The Stakeholder Council is informed by a number of Working Groups and Committees. Below is a description of each of the working groups.
Highway Managers Working Group
Attended primarily by local highway department staff, engineers, and stream managers to discuss transportation infrastructure and its interaction with streams. Meets every other month.
This group is open to any individual, but particularly any municipal official, with knowledge and experience in road infrastructure and its relationship to streams. The group regularly identifies issues related to stream crossings and roadway management and investigates solutions. Field visits and review of engineering and analysis for different projects provide training opportunities. The group provides a venue for local agencies to coordinate on project development and explore strategies that consider issues at the stream-reach scale. It meets several times per year.
Stream Access and Recreation Working Group
This committee works to improve and enhance public access to stream resources and stream-based recreational opportunities. It typically meets on a quarterly basis and is open to any individual.
Project areas for the committee include:
- Large Wood Management
- Trail Development
- User Education
Flood Hazard Mitigation Working Group
The AWSMP’s Flood Hazard Mitigation Working Group formed in 2014 to bring local officials and flood advisory committee members together to learn about flooding and flood mitigation topics, and to network with peers in adjacent towns. The working group supports Town implementation of flood hazard mitigation planning and projects. This group is related to, but independent of Town flood committees or boards; however, members from town committees are welcome and encouraged to join the working group.
The working group will be an opportunity for communities to coordinate with each other, receive technical assistance from AWSMP and other agencies, and share information on flood hazard mitigation strategies. The working group meets quarterly and operates under the guidelines of the AWSMP Stakeholder Council.
Grant Review Committee
This committee is comprised of working group participants who are also members of the AWSMP. The committee reviews The committee reviews Stream Management Implementation Program (SMIP) grant proposals and makes recommendations for funding. Recommendations for funding are brought to Stakeholder Council meetings for final vote by the Executive Council. Meetings are scheduled as needed. Committee membership is by invitation only.
The Stakeholder Council may identify projects that require an in-depth level of detail and work on a temporary or long-term basis, and form additional committees to meet this need.