Streamside residents and landowners are stream managers! The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) offers help to streamside landowners with assessing stream issues and installing best management practices for streams and streambanks.
How we manage land within the stream corridor directly affects the health and stability of a stream. The removal of streamside vegetation may weaken streambanks and allow the sun to heat water above levels tolerated by trout. Planting or maintaining native shrubs and trees along streams can both shade water and stabilize banks under the right circumstances.
AWSMP offers residential landowners assistance with riparian buffer plantings through the Catskill Streams Buffer Initiative (CSBI). Through CSBI, landowners can receive a field visit to review problems, riparian corridor management plans, and best management practice design and installation. Interested landowners should contact the AWSMP office at (845) 688-3047 to speak with the CSBI Coordinator for the Ashokan Watershed.
Bank erosion is a major concern for landowners and local governments where it threatens property, roads and infrastructure. AWSMP offers technical assistance, publications, workshops, and trainings with guidance on how to manage stream banks and reduce flood damage through property management. Some additional funding is available to stabilize stream banks for properties that are part of a larger stream channel restoration effort.